Is Brown Rice Really Worth The Hype?

Post Date
25 Jun

In modern life, we are constantly exposed to toxins. Pesticides, infections, drug remnants and pollutants in the environment leave a toxic trail in the body. Under the health umbrella, keeping gut healthy can help you suppress many health problems. If you are on a diet, mind your staple food especially if it is, Rice. As rice is the chief dietary element for most it is highly advisable to filter the type you intake. Nutrition experts usually vilify the benefits of white rice and exaggerate the consumption of Brown Rice. Along with the theoretical comparison keep yourself updated with the Best quality rice supplier. This will leave no room for confusion.

White Rice vs Brown Rice

Rice is an economic form of intaking nutrition, widely consumed all over the world. These fat-free grains are available in several types. White rice and brown rice are the two most commonly consumed types.

Brown Rice

Things we know

Brown rice is a whole grain whereas white rice is a refined grain. Being a whole grain, brown rice contains all the nutritional values. White rice is free from bran and germ, therefore, it is the nutritionally void part.

Things we don’t know

All the nutrients removed while polishing white rice are added later. Therefore, they hold all the required nutrients along with taste.

Hyped benefits of brown rice have shaded its dark side, which is why you will hardly see anyone with detailed knowledge. All they know is this type of rice is beneficial for health whereas white rice is harmful. If this is so, then why white rice is a daily food in so many countries? The answer is simple, white rice is beneficial and it is good to include a healthy amount in your meal.

Shortcomings of Brown Rice

Everything that shines is not gold. Similar is the case with brown rice. Here are some drawbacks of it.

Difficult to Digest:
High nutritional values that is known to be good can be equally bad. High nutrients and fiber lead to difficulty in its digestion. Its daily consumption can cause gut problems. People with kidney diseases are asked to keep brown rice at bay.

Not Recommended for Diabetic Patients:
It has high sugar content than white rice. Hence, it is not good for diabetic patients.

Contaminated with Arsenic:Arsenic is a toxic metal that is often found in bran. White rice has no bran. So, it has less amount of arsenic as compared with brown rice. Thorough rice rinsing is recommended. But, rinsing can’t wash away every bit of toxic metal.

Virtues of White Rice

Easy to Digest:Both brown and white rice are high in carb. White rice has less fiber as compared to the other, hence, easier to digest. It keeps your gut perfectly alright, making you feel featherlight.

Excellent Sports Nutrition Source:Athletes and weightlifters do not go with myths. They regularly consume white rice for quick energy and glycogen replenishment. It is an excellent carbohydrate source for fueling in adequate amounts of macronutrients. This work wonders to achieve their passion.

Experts have already prepared a rough nutritional breakdown chart. Only High quality white rice manufacturers are responsible for providing accurate information.


Rice is a lucrative way of intaking nutrients. The low sides of white rice are unnecessarily vilified and benefits of brown rice are exaggerated. There are several things we know and we are unaware of. White rice is an ideal staple food that keeps health in check. It is easy to digest and perfect for sporties. Brown rice is difficult to digest and regular consumption may cause gut problems and other diseases.